Sunday, March 11, 2018

Dispensing valve found glue valve leakage phenomenon.

Dispensing valve found glue valve leakage phenomenon. This is because the dispensing needle has a caliber that is too small to cause a back pressure caused by the flow of a fluid such as glue, resulting in dribbling. The solution is to replace the larger point of the needle. Such as Jinyu dispensing machine is generally not the case, Jinyu dispensing machine with linear guide control valve sliding around, glue a stable, bubble-free, glue leakage phenomenon, the table with heating function , Effectively promote product flow performance. When it comes to dispensing valve cleaning, Jinyu dispensers with automatic cleaning valve devices save time and labor costs for the business. Here to tell you about dispensing valve cleaning precautions: 1. After cleaning the assembly of the two seals sealing ring for the reverse back to the way. 2. When cleaning can not scratch the seal with sharp things. 3 dispensing valve to be cleaned once a day, paint bucket to be cleaned once a week, the above is to tell you today little knowledge of dispensing valve.

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