Friday, January 18, 2019

Application of silicone products in transportation

Application of silicone products in transportation

1.Silicone deliver the strength, adhesion and durability needed in high-performance automobiles, ocean vessels, planes and spacecraft.

2.Silicone adhesives and coatings extend the service life of cars, boats and planes. Exteriors are more resistant to rain, wind, salt, abrasion, ultraviolet radiation and chemicals. Joints last longer and overall maintenance and repair is less costly.

3.Silicone products are used a wide range of car parts including: airbags, engine gaskets, headlamps, hydraulic bearings, ignition cables, radiator seals and hoses, shock absorbers, spark plug boots and ventilation flaps.

4.Silicone help provide cushioning, providing load bearing and protective shock absorption qualities to car seats, dashboards and automotive interiors.

5.Silicone release coatings are also used as release agents to allow tire manufacturers to get the tires out of their manufacturing molds and silicone rubber is used in many tires to provide long wear life and superior traction.

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