Wednesday, January 16, 2019

How to choose and use food grade silicone products correctly

How to choose and use food grade silicone products correctly
    Silicone products are applied to many fields, meant they are closely related with people's lives,there are many food grade silicone products have emerged on the market,at this time let's discuss how to choose silicone food grade products like the silicone dishes.
Silicone Nurse Medical Chest
1.Be sure to choose dishes made from 100% food grade silicone. Fillers can compromise the quality and durability of silicone.Confirm that all colorants used are not BPA-based and that lead testing has been done, especially for brightly colored products.

2.Don't be fooled by thermoplasticized rubber (TPR) dishes. They look and feel much the same, but TPR isn't as durable and doesn’t tolerate high heat like silicone does. Products like these measuring cups made from TPR often have a rigid plastic skeleton and may warp when exposed to heat.

3.Be aware that phosphate-free dish washing detergents may cause silicone dishes to end up with water spots or hold onto certain smells/tastes. It's no big deal, just add some white vinegar or a non-toxic rinse aid to your wash cycle.
Silicone Baby Bottle
    There are times when durability and convenience win out, leaving my glass and stainless steel dishes in the cupboard. So given the choice between plastics made with carcinogenic and endocrine disrupting chemicals, I'd choose the silicone products.
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